My love for design started at a very early age; in fact, if I didnt know any better I would say I was probably born with a color deck in my hand!
I have been in the design and building business for over 16 years, with 4 houses of my own under my belt as well as consulting on countless others.
I have a great knowledge of what goes into a house -- from the time the foundation is dug right up until the last touch-up on the walls is applied.
I work with my clients in a number of areas:
- pre-building consultations to discuss "the art of the possible"
- interior design
- colour consultations for homes and offices (I'm a big fan of Benjamin Moore paints)
- retail stylist for windows and displays

My inspiration for my interiors comes from many things and it is constantly evolving. It's this evolving that allows me to be a great asset to my present and future clients.
My website/blog is in its infancy stage, and I'm looking forward to adding to it on an ongoing basis.
Thanks for dropping by!
Dawna Jones